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Dive Deeper Blog
EcoConscious New Year’s Resolutions: An Ocean-Safe 2019
To our ecoconscious friends, old and new, welcome to a new year! As you reevaluate your commitments and resolve to foster new habits this year, we would like to encourage you to add safe sunscreen use to your list. Not only will this New Year’s resolution help marine life as well as your own, but you can count on us to be there to encourage you to stick to your promise throughout the year!
Stream2Sea is a brand built on the understanding that all streams flow to the sea—that means we recognize that the choices we make about what we put on our bodies will eventually affect marine lives, too. Our sunscreen and other body care products are created with ingredients that are tested and proven safe for coral and other marine life. Consider updating your cosmetics cabinet to include our human and ocean-safe products, and while you’re at it, commit to these other great ecoconscious resolutions!
Participate Regularly In Beach Clean-Ups
Whether it’s bringing a trash bag along on your long walks on the beach, or signing up to participate in large-scale beach clean-ups with organizations like The Ocean Conservancy, make time to save the ecosystems you’re exploring this year! According to recent research, upwards of 1.4 billion pounds of trash winds up in the oceans every year. Be part of the solution by picking up the trash on the beach before it makes it into the water. Be sure to pack responsibly when you visit the beach yourself so you aren’t part of the problem!
Support Brands That Support Marine Nonprofits—Or Support Marine Nonprofits Directly
As proud members of 1% for the Planet, 1% of every purchase you make from us already goes to one of our marine protection nonprofit partners. But did you know we also have a nonprofit partner page? A whopping 20% of the purchase value from that page will be donated to the nonprofit partner of your choosing.
If you prefer the direct route, you can always donate directly to great ecoconscious nonprofits; we, of course, recommend all of our amazing nonprofit partners! A donation as valuable as your money is your time; if you live near any of these great nonprofits, spend a weekend volunteering with them! You won’t regret it, and the planet will thank you.
Find Creative Ways To Be Involved In The Recycling Process
We all know it’s important to put plastic bottles in the correct bin, and to bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store. But it’s time to kick your recycling game up a notch and start thinking about the next steps in the recycling chain. Why?
Because it doesn’t mean anything to be recycling if the raw materials created from those recycled items aren’t being turned into new products!
You can start by purchasing products that make use of recycled materials. Our UPF 50+ rash guards, for example, are made from fibers recycled from ghost fishing nets. Other companies— like Planet Love Life, which sells bracelets also made from ghost fishing nets—are making a difference in this way, too. Remember these products when you’re trying to think of birthday gifts for friends and family this year!
Read Your Ingredients—And Encourage Your Friends To Do So, Too
There are few things more important this year than remembering to read your ingredients labels. Many chemicals found in traditional sunscreens and other cosmetics can seriously harm you and other life on the planet—so don’t let it happen. Take our Safe Sunscreen Pledge and we will happily help you stay accountable—and even send some resources and a surprise your way!
If you’re a trip leader, make your commitment to the ocean an even bigger part of your lifestyle and share ocean-safe products with your clients
Get Started!
Take your commitment to the planet to the next level this year. We will be here with educational resources, moral support, and sometimes even discounts, to help you along the way!