BAD SUnsCREEN, Lewis and Clark IGFA, no golf course, wavemakers sept, park s2s, ingredients card final

Stream2Sea September Newsletter

Oxybenzone and Avobenzone Are Not Safe

ingredients card final

Headlining the news from Stream2Sea, we’re calling out the FDA and the manufacturers of petrochemical sunscreens. Five years ago this summer, the FDA showed that the absorption rate for sunscreens like oxybenzone and avobenzone exceeded safe levels. They asked for safety data that those manufacturers have yet to provide. In fact, their trade group’s website blatantly reports that they are safe and effective, even though the FDA revoked that status.

We also posted a report on the international sunscreens that haven’t been approved by the FDA but are trending among influencers. Craig Downs, the researcher who originally documented the toxicity of oxybenzone in coral reefs, says that the reason those ingredients are popular with European manufacturers is that they’re so shelf-stable – but they’re also “forever chemicals” like PFAs and Teflon that never go away.

Stream2Sea Supports Youth Fishing Education[in Twenty National Parks

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And we had a lot of fun this summer too. We teamed up with the National Park Service and IGFA – the International Game Fish Association – to introduce families to ethical angling practices at 20 national parks. Along with fishing, we had the chance to talk about safe sunscreens and being good stewards of the environment. Attendees of the events at each national park received Stream2sea products to help keep their skin protected while they learned about fishing education programs.

Saying NO to Development in Florida Parks

Closer to home, our voices were heard by the state of Florida, which backpedaled on the “half-baked idea” of putting golf courses and 350-room resorts in the park system rated as the nation’s best. Gov. Ron DeSantis fired the employee who leaked the plans he labeled “half-baked” but sent them “back to the drawing board” for consideration next year. Stay tuned, we’re watching carefully. If you haven't already, join the effort and voice your opinion by visiting the Florida Wildlife Federation Page.

wavemakers sept

Wavemakers Making Waves

In both cases, our Wavemakers were out there making waves that make a difference in their communities. Email us or visit our recruiting page for more information on how to join this fun-loving group that’s focused on protecting what we love.

Thanks for reading and let us know if there are topics you’d like to hear more about!

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