EcoConscious Spring Break or Summer Getaway: What To Bring, What To Do & Where To Go
Do you already have spring break or summer getaway plans? Or are you still figuring out where to go? We’re happy to help you decide on your destination as well as what you should pack for your next adventure!
If you close your eyes and imagine relaxing anywhere — where do you picture yourself? Is it on a sandy beach, listing to the waves roll onto shore as the sun warms up your body that’s been hibernating all winter? In that case, you should definitely hit the beach.
We recommend these beaches if you’re looking for somewhere new to check out:

Crissy Field - San Francisco, CA
What’s better than a view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Monterey Bay Aquarium's recycled plastic blue whale sculpture installation? Very few things, especially when you can relax on the beach while taking in city and nature simultaneously. Remember — don’t forego sunscreen just because it’s foggy! A San Francisco beach adventure can still result in a sunburn, and you don’t want your skin to match the hue of the bridge.Main Beach Park - Amelia Island, FL
If you’re looking to experience a unique town as well as a relaxing beach, check out Main Beach Park and Amelia Island, Florida. Less packed with party crowds than other Florida Beaches, and home to various arts and adventure attractions, this is not somewhere you should miss if you’re in the area.Gulfport Central Beach - Gulfport, MS
If you want to swim in the Gulf of Mexico, or if you find yourself on a road trip going west along the Gulf, make a stop in Gulfport, MS. Gulfport Central Beach is a local favorite, and a Highway 90 stop you won’t want to miss. Sometimes the most exciting part in planning your upcoming trip is figuring out what to pack! Did you grab your new bathing suit? Ginormous beach towel? Don’t forget that epic beach read...oh, and also don’t forget your ecoconscious skincare products. When traveling to a beach, make sure to pack mineral sunscreen, which will protect your skin from harmful rays, and it’s also extremely safe — and proven safe — for the coral reefs and marine life. Did you know that only one drop of toxic sunscreen in 6 olympic size swimming pools kills the coral reefs? Now imagine all of those people visiting beaches this spring...that’s a lot of sunscreen. Make sure yours is mineral-based and spread the word. Another great item to pack if you want to cover all of your bases, is our Conscious Explorer Kit. Within the kit you’ll find lip balm, Shampoo and Bodywash, Leave-In Conditioner, Sun and Sting Relief Gel (just in case your skin gets a little too much sun), Tinted Sunscreen and Face Sunscreen -— all of these products are travel sized — perfect to place into any carry-on suitcase. They’re also organic, ocean-friendly, reef-safe, and ecoconscious. Within the kit, you’ll also find an Ingredients to Avoid Card, which you can share with other beach-goers about the importance of safe sunscreen. Maybe you’d rather not hit a crowded beach. In that case, we suggest you visit a state park or local campground to get out in nature. If you’re looking for some location inspiration, check out a few spots we love:Biscayne National Park - Florida Keys, FL
You may already know the Florida Keys to be the wonderful place where a ban on toxic sunscreens has been voted into action, but did you know the Keys are also home to some unbeatable camping spots? Check out the campgrounds at Biscayne National Park to have a truly one-of-a-kind experience with the reefs.
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve - New Orleans, LA
If you have missed seeing lush green this winter, check out Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve—greenery is not in short supply. Whether it’s alligators, historical displays, or swampside hikes that interest you, grab your Conscious Explorer Kit and start an adventure!
Oak Mountain State Park - Pelham, AL
Challenging hikes, year-round camping, and a nature rehabilitation center — Oak Mountain State Park has it all for an ecoconscious, waterfall-loving adventurer. A great place to bring family or friends, this Birmingham Metro-Area park allows for a peaceful connection with the trees and streams any time of year. Before you toss your pack into your car, make sure that you’ve included the essentials to be fully prepared for your hiking or camping trip. Depending how long your trip is, you may want to consider bringing along some shampoo and conditioner. When you camp, it’s best to pack minimally — and include only the essentials (especially if you’re a hardcore backpacker). We’ve got your back. Try our Conscious Explorer Kit for products that are the perfect travel size to fit into any backpack without weighing you down. Each product is organic and eco-conscious, perfect for you and the planet. The Shampoo and Bodywash are safe to rinse down the drain from your camp shower and it’s safe to bathe right in the lake. The Leave In Conditioner is a great and easy way to keep your locks from tangling. In case you do get sunburnt, or windburnt, the kit also includes a Sun and Sting Relief sample to soothe your skin. The kit also includes two tubes of sunscreen and protective lip balm. In either destination, beach or state park, always remember to take care of your environment — if you pack it in, pack it out. Our planet’s beautiful destinations get a lot of visitors during spring break and summer vacation, and we should protect what we love. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row ["row"background_color="#fbb040" background_size="initial"[custom_margin="45px[0px" "[0px" box_shadow_style="preset1"[[et_pb_cta title="Take the Safe Sunscreen Pledge!" ["Social Media Get Involved"background_color="#fcb040" background_size="initial"[custom_margin="-28px||"[button_text_size__hover_enabled="off" button_text_size__hover="null" button_one_text_size__hover_enabled="off" button_one_text_size__hover="null" button_two_text_size__hover_enabled="off" button_two_text_size__hover="null" button_text_color__hover_enabled="off" button_text_color__hover="null" button_one_text_color__hover_enabled="off" button_one_text_color__hover="null" button_two_text_color__hover_enabled="off" button_two_text_color__hover="null" button_border_width__hover_enabled="off" button_border_width__hover="null" button_one_border_width__hover_enabled="off" button_one_border_width__hover="null" button_two_border_width__hover_enabled="off" button_two_border_width__hover="null" button_border_color__hover_enabled="off" button_border_color__hover="null" button_one_border_color__hover_enabled="off" button_one_border_color__hover="null" button_two_border_color__hover_enabled="off" button_two_border_color__hover="null" button_border_radius__hover_enabled="off" button_border_radius__hover="null" button_one_border_radius__hover_enabled="off" button_one_border_radius__hover="null" button_two_border_radius__hover_enabled="off" button_two_border_radius__hover="null" button_letter_spacing__hover_enabled="off" button_letter_spacing__hover="null" button_one_letter_spacing__hover_enabled="off" button_one_letter_spacing__hover="null" button_two_letter_spacing__hover_enabled="off" button_two_letter_spacing__hover="null" button_bg_color__hover_enabled="off" button_bg_color__hover="null" button_one_bg_color__hover_enabled="off" button_one_bg_color__hover="null" button_two_bg_color__hover_enabled="off" button_two_bg_color__hover="null" ]Take the Safe Sunscreen Pledge and we’ll send you a digital 20-page resource that dives into ingredients to know, ingredients to avoid, what “organic” and “biodegradable” really mean, and what is truly “reef-safe.”
Thank you for being part of a global movement to protect marine and other ecosystems from unsafe ingredients! What we put on our bodies DOES make a difference, and your positive choices help protect the planet!
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