Welcome to the Stream2Sea Learning Center
💡 The More You Know
The More You’ll Love Stream2Sea

Knowledge is power! Stream2Sea believes in full disclosure of ingredients. Its so important to know what you are putting on your body and introducing into the environment!
We believe in the importance of education. Part of our mission is to educate consumers, retailers and advocates about Ingredients in sunscreen and personal care products, and how they can impact us globally.
Stream2Sea does not use ingredients that are known to harm the planet. Our products are performance-based and set a new standard in responsible, ethical formulations for shampoos, conditioners, lotions, sunscreens and other personal care products. Not all ingredients which are safe and healthy for people are safe and healthy to other species. Even ‘good’ ingredients can have toxic effects in the environment. This is why it’s important that we test our products and prove they will biodegrade and be safe.
We hope YOU share YOUR knowledge with the world. We are providing these modules so YOU can be better informed; whether for your own personal well-being, or to be a stronger advocate for our brand and the ocean. We are growing quickly because of educated and passionate friends like you. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Stream2Sea – and helping to share this wisdom. Together, We ARE Doing Better!