
17 Eco-Activities for an Earth Day at Home

Established in the US in 1970 and now celebrated across the globe, Earth Day reminds us why environmental conservation and stewardship are important, and encourages us to form a personal connection with nature. In honor of Earth Day, here are a few eco-friendly activities you can do today, or any day, to celebrate our planet! And the bonus, this list is quarantine friendly! 1. Get outside! Take the family out for a nature walk, hike, or bike ride. 3. Plant some bee-friendly wildflowers to help feed your local bees and pollinators. 4. Write a letter or make a phone call to your government representative expressing your support for environmentally responsible policies. 5. Donate your money to an environmental non-profit. Or sign up to be a volunteer for the future! 7. Get the instructions from Tammilee Tips for how to make these beautiful Earth Day Cookies! width="586" 8. How about some printable fun? Thrifty Momma’s Tips has an Earth Day Word Search and Earth Day Crack the Code free to download. Conserve paper by printing on the back of used pages! 9. Put up a bird house. 10. Adopt a park or street near you and clean up some litter on your own. Bring sturdy gloves and a bag for collecting garbage. 11. Have a family picnic. (Make sure all your garbage leaves with you.) 12. Go bird watching. This traditional pastime is a great way to learn about local bird populations. 13. Go on a photography treasure hunt. Take pictures of all the spring flowers and trees in bloom in your neighbourhood and see what treasures you find. 14. Make Hairy Jar Men! Mom vs. the Boys shows us how to make these funny little guys and bring the outdoors inside. width="600" 15. Spend some time working in the garden. Avoid pesticides and herbicides that are a contributing factor in bee colony collapse. Pull out the weeds instead, or try non-toxic strategies for pest control like soapy water, salt, and diatomaceous earth. 16. Earth Day would be a great day to start your own compost heap! Check out Mommy Moment’s Composting for Beginners guide to get started. width="700" 17. Switch to eco-friendly and biodegradable body care products (you knew we couldn't make a list without including this)! Stream2Sea has the only mineral based sunscreen on the planet that's been tested safe for freshwater fish, saltwater fish, and coral larvae, AND has passed the stringent HEL Lab's Protect Land + Sea certification. Take out the guesswork! Learn more about our testing here.
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