Does Your Sunscreen Provide Long-Term Protection?
Remember that really nasty sunburn you got as a kid? You turned red as a beet, then everything peeled off in really disgusting layers.
Believe it or not, that awful experience probably wasn’t the worst damage the sunburn caused to your body.
Scientists still don’t understand exactly how sunburns happen, but they do know that it’s a complex chemical reaction that creates free radicals that damage DNA molecules in the skin, dilating blood vessels and then recruiting inflammatory compounds to help minimize the damage. The horrible peeling skin is caused when the burn was so bad it destroyed those molecules and your skin sloughed off because it was dead.

- Green tea is well-known for its benefits as a beverage. Used topically, green tea is a potent antioxidant that also helps to reduce redness.
- Holy basil, also known as tulsi, is a highly effective adaptogen, which increases your body’s ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and restore normal function.
- Aloe is one of the most well-known remedies for overexposure to the sun because it’s cooling and soothing. Containing multiple antioxidants, aloe is also a non-greasy moisturizer that keeps skin hydrated.
- Olive leaf extract, often used as an antioxidant supplement, is packed with phytonutrients to protect against the free radicals that cause cellular damage.

Some botanicals are available in biofermented formulations that make them more easily absorbed and readily available.
Biofermented ingredients also minimize damage at the cellular level, helping to counter some of the damage caused by overexposure to the sun.
- Wakame bioferment made from a species of seaweed, (Undaria pinnatifida), targets the mitochondria, which contributes to the longevity of cells and minimizes damage at a cellular
- Olive leaf bioferment isolates and concentrates the unique antioxidants in olive leaves for more effective protection for sun-damaged skin.
We’re not quite ready to go that far, but skin definitely benefits from antioxidants – and our formulas are loaded with them!
Stream2Sea has set a new standard for EcoConscious sunscreen and skincare. Along with the required human safety and SPF tests, Stream2Sea products are proven to be readily biodegradable in both salt and fresh water and have passed a comprehensive series of aquatic toxicity tests. Formulated with powerful antioxidant blends to protect skin from sun damage, the Stream2Sea line includes safe sunscreens, conditioning shampoo and body wash, leave-in conditioner, nourishing body lotion and lip balms. Stream2Sea products are currently available online at www.Stream2Sea.com or ask for them at your favorite health food store, dive center or outdoor retailer. Friend us on Facebook or call (866) 960-9513.