brain coral bleaching

Giving Tuesday: Stream2Sea Helps Raise Awareness for Coral Bleaching in Florida

This summer, historic reefs in the Florida Keys fell victim to unprecedented coral bleaching, a devastating consequence of the record-setting heat gripping the region. The distress signals from our oceans are reverberating globally, signaling a critical need for collective action.

[caption id="attachment_235206" align="alignnone" width="1200"]brain coral bleaching Above: Brain coral in Florida, standing as a silent testament to the harsh effects of coral bleaching endured during the scorching summer of 2023.[/caption]
Coral bleaching made headlines this summer when record-setting heat in the Florida Keys seriously damaged the only coral reef in the continental United States. It was our ocean’s desperate cry for help, and it’s occurring around the world.

In response to this urgent environmental crisis, in addition to our successful Crazy for Coral campaign with Reef Renewal USA, we are proud to announce that we have partnered with Coral Reef Alliance as well, both organizations actively working towards sustainable solutions. Stream2Sea will donate 10% of all sales on Giving Tuesday, November 28th to support Coral Bleaching Awareness Month.

Coral bleaching occurs when rising ocean temperatures induce stress in coral reefs, leading them to expel the symbiotic algae responsible for their vibrant colors and essential nutrients. If temperatures decrease before coral succumbs to starvation, survival is possible, albeit in a weakened state, rendering them more susceptible to diseases.


While addressing global temperatures may seem beyond our immediate influence, recent research highlights another concerning factor: the impact of petrochemical sunscreen ingredients on coral bleaching, particularly in popular reef destinations frequented by swimmers. This revelation underscores the importance of conscious consumer choices and the role each individual can play in preserving these fragile ecosystems. Stream2Sea’s Reef-Safer™ sunscreens and body care products play an essential role in protecting nearly every aquatic ecosystem. Petrochemical sunscreens, like oxybenzone and avobenzone, are toxic to coral reefs and the myriad of creatures they sustain – which also impacts humans living along tropical coastlines who depend upon healthy habitats for their livelihoods. To reverse coral reef losses, multiple strategies have been developed by scientists, conservation practitioners, and managers, including the protection of healthy habitats and reducing environmental threats like enhanced pollution control at the local level.

Join our Efforts to Combat Coral Bleaching

Both the Coral Reef Alliance and Reef Renewal operate on an international scale, collaborating with scientists, local organizations, and community partners. Their mission is to engage communities and implement science-based solutions that empower coral reefs to adapt to the challenges of climate change. In a time when the future seems uncertain, these organizations need our support to provide leadership infused with hope, translating scientific knowledge into actionable measures.

By supporting these organizations this Giving Tuesday, we contribute to a brighter future for our oceans and the invaluable ecosystems they harbor. Together, we can be a part of the solution, ensuring that coral reefs not only survive but thrive in the face of mounting environmental threats.
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