How to Wrap (Stream2Sea Products) Like a Pro!
Tis the season. Here at Stream2Sea, we understand gift-wrapping a sunscreen or lotion tube is not an easy task! Here are some ideas on how you can wrap some of our harder-to-wrap items.
For wrapping paper, we recommend recycled wrapping paper like the ones you can get here: https://shop.freetheocean.com/products/eco-friendly-wrapping-paper
How to Wrap a Sunscreen Tube (or Shampoo, Lotion, Hand Cream)
Products featured: Stream2Sea SPF 20 Sport Sunscreen, Waves Neck Gaiter (alternatives: use wrapping tissue or a new tea towel)
Other materials: Wrapping paper (recycled wrapping paper recommended), ribbon, clear tape and double-sided tape.
How to Gift Wrap Lip Balms and other small or loose items
Products featured: SPF Lip balms & Hydate Lip Balms
Other materials: Wrapping paper (recycled wrapping paper recommended), ribbon and clear tape.
How to Gift Wrap an EcoConscious Explorer Kit
Products featured: EcoConscious Explorer Kit
Other materials: Wrapping paper (recycled wrapping paper recommended), Ribbon, clear tape and double-sided tape.