School of Fish Underwater Why Quality Sunscreen Matters

Pink Slime & Sunscreen: It’s what’s in the Product that Makes a Difference!

Pink Slime as referred to in manufactured foodsPink slime doesn't belong in food nor do poor quality ingredients belong in personal care products. The key to a high quality meal is high quality ingredients, right? Well, as a cosmetic chemist, I’ve always believed that choosing the highest quality, safe and effective ingredients was the key to making wonderful, award-winning skin care. BUT - I was recently told that it’s not the ingredients that matter, it’s how you process them! This didn’t make much sense to me. And then I remembered CHICKEN NUGGETS! Remember the ‘pink slime’ video? This was where they showed the manufacturing facility incorporating skin, feet, internal organs, and a very small amount white chicken meat into pink slime. Then they extruded the slime into dollops, breaded and deep fried them, magically turning a disgusting slime into a lovely chicken nugget! Kids love it, so it has to be good, right? Well, I personally will stick with food that doesn’t turn my stomach… and will continue making our Stream2Sea products using the highest quality, organic and sustainable raw materials I can get my hands on. I think our customers understand and appreciate that. Friends, its really important today to know your ingredients! Just because a product says that it is ‘natural,’ ‘organic’ or even ‘ocean reef safe,’ does not mean that it is. Turn the bottle over and check out the ‘active’ and ‘inactive’ ingredients. If you would like a convenient, wallet-sized card listing the top ingredients to avoid, email us with your address and we’ll drop one in the mail. I thank you for continuing to join us on this journey… because we DO have a choice and we can choose to do better. We appreciate your comments, concerns and questions that will help to ensure that we share information that is important to you along the way. Consciously, Autumn Blum Formulator & CEO Stream2Sea – home of the EcoConscious Mineral Sunscreen Stream2Sea has set a new standard for EcoConscious sunscreen and skincare. Along with the required human safety and SPF tests, Stream2Sea products are proven to be readily biodegradable in both salt and fresh water and have passed a comprehensive series of aquatic toxicity tests. Formulated with powerful antioxidant blends to protect skin from sun damage, the Stream2Sea line includes safe sunscreens, conditioning shampoo and body wash, leave-in conditioner, nourishing body lotion and lip balms. Stream2Sea products are currently available online at or ask for them at your favorite health food store, dive center or outdoor retailer. Friend us on Facebook or call (866) 960-9513.
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