
Still Looking for a Perfect Mother's Day Gift?

Adopt a Coral for Mom (and for Mother Earth)!

Coral reefs are among the most beautiful – and most threatened – ecosystems in the world. You can help restore our coral reefs by gifting your mother with her very own coral, or even a branch on a coral tree, as part of Stream2Sea’s Crazy for Coral campaign.

Make a donation of $50 to sponsor a baby coral (technically called a fragment) that will grow into a coral large enough to outplant in a few months. Your $50 contribution also covers its care for an entire year – long enough for it to survive and hopefully thrive on its own. Or contribute $500 to sponsor an entire branch on a coral tree!

Both come with a downloadable Mother’s Day card to commemorate the occasion!


The Backstory

We’re working with Reef Renewal USA to plant 10,000 corals for the second year in a row. Reef Renewal, which has three coral nurseries in the Florida Keys, spent decades developing innovative technologies that can transform a six-inch fragment into a two- to three-foot coral that’s ready to be outplanted in less than a year.

Scientists have discovered that growing coral in ideal situations – away from predators and in shallow water where they get plenty of light – can dramatically speed the rate at which a coral grows. Like many aquatic creatures (corals are living animals, not rocks), small colonies are more susceptible to predation than larger ones. Helping them get past those vulnerable early stages makes it much more likely that they will survive and thrive.

Make a difference this Mother’s Day with a unique gift she’ll never forget! Sponsor a coral for mom (and Mother Earth) today!

Find out more on our Crazy for Coral page!

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