I created a hand sanitizer amidst COVID-19 and might have saved my company in the process
Two weeks ago, I was looking at a ton of canceled orders from the cruise lines and my growing stock of inventory to fulfill the anticipated demand. It was pretty scary watching our projections go right out the window, and wondering how I was going to cover payroll and overhead.
Then, the federal government eased regulatory hurdles and made it possible for us to fast track sanitizer to market. Now, staff are working hard and fast, under COVID healthy working standards, to fulfill demand, and secure additional inventory.
Our eco-conscious hand sanitizer is a perfect addition to the Stream2Sea line. Our sanitizer is fortified with camphor, a natural antiviral component. We don’t include the usual chemical sanitizer line-up you may have seen on the market. This means no toxic triclosan or carbomer, formaldehyde releasers, which are common preservatives, nor synthetic colors, denaturants or fragrances. We are using 62% ethanol which is the amount recommended by the US government and exceeds the 60% recommended by WHO.
Most sanitizers contain carbomers, which can be classified as a microplastic, or triclosan, which kills marine microorganisms in ridiculously small concentrations. Ours, of course, is formulated to be safe and protective for us, deadly to viruses and germs, but cause no harm to our blue planet.
My team has been working many hours to get these out the door, and I couldn’t do it without them. I just shut down our website sales for the weekend to give us a couple days to catch up. I thought our sanitizer would be well received, but had no idea that it would be THIS well received. I’ve been struggling to secure a steady supply of ethanol, but its looking promising. We might have some delays, but please have some patience with us and know that we are working as hard and fast as we can to get these out the door for you!
It’s an amazing feeling being able to put out a great product that people need and perhaps save my company's future at the same time. I know many are struggling right now - from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for supporting Stream2Sea, and hope all of my friends stay healthy and sane through this very difficult time!
[author] [author_image timthumb='on']https://ukcbapwc.wildapricot.org/resources/Pictures/gala%20Autumn%20Blum%20mug.jpeg[/author_image] [author_info]Autumn Blum, Founder & Cosmetic Chemist of Stream2Sea, the ONLY mineral sunscreen that's been tested and proven safe for fish and coral larvae, AND has passed the stringent HEL Labs Protect Land + Sea certification. [/author_info] [/author]