record breaking - picking up trash from oceans on beach

The Clean Stream2Sea Team: Breaking Records Underwater

Not only are we trying to make our products clean for our waters, but we are cleaning up the oceans and breaking records too! Last Saturday, June 15, 2019, the Stream2Sea crew joined a total of 633 divers at Deerfield Beach Pier to attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the Largest Underwater Cleanup. Guess what?! We did it! People on the sea side Applying Cream on Kids Face - Stream2Sea Before the event, our founder Autumn Blum and the crew talked with divers and ocean lovers about our products and sampled sunscreen to help keep people protected from the sun during the event. We were also thrilled to collaborate with other ecoconsciously minded groups: Virgin Voyages, 4Ocean, Surfrider Foundation, Shark Allies, Project Aware, Dixie Divers, Next Level Dive Club, PADI, Rainbow Reef Dive Center, Island Watersports, and many more. Taking Photo a group of man and women Soon thereafter, it was time to get to business and start cleaning up our waters. The official record keeper with his suit and tie stood by the water’s edge as divers one by one headed into the water. Our crew collected fishing line, plastic bottles, and glass in the process. It was surprising to see how much life there was still living in the area despite the trash that was found. Driver Investigating under the Sea - Stream2Sea We headed back to our tent to await the news to see if the record was broken and within a half an hour we heard cheering and champagne showers celebrating a new record set. More than a piece of paper or a record broken, this cleanup meant much more to all involved. To be able to see how many divers gathered on one beach, all passionate about the oceans and keeping them clean, is like nothing you’ve ever seen or felt. It was a rewarding experience to get to hear people talk about their love for our products but even more their love for the oceans. There were many people who traveled from all throughout Florida for this event, and a daughter and Mom who traveled from Illinois to participate. The Stream2Sea team was so grateful to be a part of such an amazing event and get to see how many others are just as passionate about protecting what they love as we are. [portrait_url="" quote_icon_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)" quote_icon_background_color="rgba(0,0,0,0)

About the Author

Alexia Skrbic is the Stream2Sea Scientific Communications intern. She received her B.S. in Biological Science with a minor in environmental science in 2018 from Chapman University. She is currently completing her Masters of Professional Science in marine conservation from University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences while working with Stream2Sea.


Take the Safe Sunscreen Pledge and we’ll send you a digital 20-page resource that dives into ingredients to know, ingredients to avoid, what “organic” and “biodegradable” really mean, and what is truly “reef-safe.”

Thank you for being part of a global movement to protect marine and other ecosystems from unsafe ingredients! What we put on our bodies DOES make a difference, and your positive choices help protect the planet!

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