Dive Deeper Blog
Highs and Lows of Skin Care Product Testing
May 5, 2015
Update Feb. 28, 2019 — This is a dialogue reflective of the Stream2Sea formulation and development process. Product testing occurred only in 2015, when a safe formula was created, and is not...
Leaving No Trace in Ocean-Side Communities
Apr 30, 2015
One Diver’s Opinion - Guest Blog post by Michelle Montgomery When I moved to Key Largo in 2013, I was absolutely enamoured by the tightly woven relationship between our local reefs and the wellness...
6 Ways You Can Limit Your Impact Out on the Reef
Mar 24, 2015
There are so many ways we enjoy the ocean, aren’t there? Diving, snorkeling, boating, just sitting on the beach… For those of us who feel that magnetic pull, it’s easy to want to spend as much time...
Keeping it Real: Titanium Dioxide in Sunscreen
Feb 12, 2015
In my last blog post, I shared why we want our products to be "Eco-conscious" and I also mentioned that I hoped to share some insight on why we hand-picked the ingredients we're using. So this week...
Keeping it Real: What is “EcoConscious”
Jan 27, 2015
Ecoconscious: Marked by or showing concern for the environment. I used to spend a lot of time on the road working with sales reps and visiting various health food stores. One of my favorite things...
Keeping It Real: Do You Know What’s Going On Your Body?
Jan 12, 2015
I’m a cosmetic chemist. While I've never made lipstick or concealer, I have made my living creating therapeutic skin care like lotions, creams, hair care and bar soaps...and dog shampoo for pups...
Keeping it Real: Honest EcoConscious Skin Care
Jan 9, 2015
Knowing that every product we use on our bodies and in our hair ultimately reaches the ocean, our mission is to create the highest quality, biodegradable skin, sun and hair care products available....