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Stream2Sea Essentials are Cruelty Free & Vegan!

At Stream2sea, we pride ourselves on having ‘kept it real’ in regards to the testing of our original line of body care products on fish and coral. Read more: https://stream2sea.com/keeping-it-real-testing-on-fish-and-coral/...

Stream2Sea Essentials are Cruelty Free & Vegan!

At Stream2sea, we pride ourselves on having ‘kept it real’ in regards to the testing of our original line of body care products on fish and coral. Read more: https://stream2sea.com/keeping-it-real-testing-on-fish-and-coral/...

Ten Tips for An Eco-Conscious Fourth of July

Ten Tips for An Eco-Conscious Fourth of July

After months of quarantine, we are all ready to get back outside and spend some quality time with our friends and family. Keeping an eye out for litter is always...

Ten Tips for An Eco-Conscious Fourth of July

After months of quarantine, we are all ready to get back outside and spend some quality time with our friends and family. Keeping an eye out for litter is always...

Stream2Sea Calls For a Veto on a Sunscreen Bill that could Damage Coral Reefs

Stream2Sea Calls For a Veto on a Sunscreen Bill...

Stream2Sea Founder Autumn Blum joins Sierra Club and 1000 Friends of Florida in asking Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis to veto legislation that would block Key West and other Florida cities...

Stream2Sea Calls For a Veto on a Sunscreen Bill...

Stream2Sea Founder Autumn Blum joins Sierra Club and 1000 Friends of Florida in asking Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis to veto legislation that would block Key West and other Florida cities...


17 Eco-Activities for an Earth Day at Home

Established in the US in 1970 and now celebrated across the globe, Earth Day reminds us why environmental conservation and stewardship are important, and encourages us to form a personal...

17 Eco-Activities for an Earth Day at Home

Established in the US in 1970 and now celebrated across the globe, Earth Day reminds us why environmental conservation and stewardship are important, and encourages us to form a personal...

Senate leader Mitch McConnell sneaks provision to boost chemical sunscreen into stimulus bill

Senate leader Mitch McConnell sneaks provision ...

Buried on page 404 in the 880-page “Families First” Coronavirus Response Act, is a series of new rules making it possible for the FDA to expedite sales of a sunscreen...

Senate leader Mitch McConnell sneaks provision ...

Buried on page 404 in the 880-page “Families First” Coronavirus Response Act, is a series of new rules making it possible for the FDA to expedite sales of a sunscreen...

methanol contaminated sanitizer

A Comparison of Toxic Hand Sanitizers to Stream...

If you're new to the eco-conscious body care scene, you may be shocked to learn about all of the toxic ingredients that can be found in your face wash, shampoo,...

A Comparison of Toxic Hand Sanitizers to Stream...

If you're new to the eco-conscious body care scene, you may be shocked to learn about all of the toxic ingredients that can be found in your face wash, shampoo,...