Nonprofit Partners
Stream2Sea Nonprofit Partners
Stream2Sea nonprofit partners play a vital role in our journey and effort to spread our message, so we are especially honored to have the following nonprofit partners on our team:
Reef Renewal USA Logo
Loggerhead Marinelife Center Logo
Island Green Logo
Amazing Animals Logo
Aeon for Ocean Logo
American Conservation Coalition Logo
Abingdon Foundation Logo
SeaKeepers Logo
Project Aware Logo
Project Aware has been responding to threats to our oceans for over 25 years, and is powered by a community of adventurers.
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Logo
Oceanic Global Logo
Beaches Go Green Logo
Atlantic Shark Institute Logo
Seaof Change Foundation Logo
Reef Check Logo
Rescue a Reef Logo
plastic Tides Logo
Plastic Tides is creating a movement to raise awareness and stand up against plastic pollution.
Plastic Free Me Logo
Plastic-Free Me is working to spread awareness of the global plastic crisis, and to create a network of like-minded people, passionate about protecting the planet from plastic.
Inland Ocean Coalition logo
Clearwater Audubon Society Logo
The Clearwater Audubon Society works to provide a protected environment in areas that are densely human populated.
ANGARI Foundation Logo
ANGARI Foundation is dedicated to creating a global community that is interested, knowledgeable and invested in marine and environmental sciences.
Deep is working to create a community of divers who are passionate about ocean conservation.
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Logo
Clearwater Marine Aquarium staff and volunteers work to rescue marine life and provide the most advanced care to maximize the opportunity to return sick or injured animals to their homes.
Wsorc Logo
WSORC focuses on research, education and conservation of coastal ecosystems and marine life, promoting training, public participation and outreach efforts.
St Croix Environmental Association Logo
St. Croix Environmental Association aims to promote the conservation of environmental resources.
Sisters of the Sea Logo
The Sisters of the Sea mission is encourage more women to participate in water activities, and to inspire more all-sister surf sessions.
SheJumps Logo
The SheJumps mission is to increase the participation of women & girls in outdoor activities.
Sharks 4Kids Logo
The goal of Sharks4Kids is to create a new generation of shark advocates through access to a dynamic range of educational materials.
Seashepherd Logo
Sea Shepherd is an international, nonprofit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns.
SCUBAnauts Logo
SCUBAnauts looks forward to increasing the opportunity for young explorers and leaders of tomorrow, continuing to establish new chapters nationwide and internationally.
Georgia Aquarium
Georgia Aquarium is a nonprofit committed to raising awareness for the need to preserve our planet.
Florida Audubon Logo
Florida Audubon Society helps to conserve and maintain the ecosystems in Florida by protecting their land, water, and wildlife.
Eco Preservation Project
The Eco Preservation Project, formerly known as Captain Planet, is about teaching audiences how to tap into their relationship with the earth and share that passion with others.
Earthwatch Engages Logo
Earthwatch engages people worldwide in scientific field research and education to promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment.
Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder
Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder is dedicated to protecting marine mammals.
Shark Angels Logo
Shark Angels raise awareness to the critical issues, educate children, change perspectives, and empower and connect advocates.
Idaho Rivers
The mission of Idaho Rivers United since 1990 has been to protect, maintain and restore the rivers in the state of Idaho.
Friends of our Florida Reefs – Stream2Sea
Friends of our Florida Reefs helps to protect and conserve over 100 miles of vital coral reefs.
Force Blue Logo
By uniting the community of Special Operations veterans with the world of marine science and conservation, FORCE BLUE has created a transpartisan model of caring, cooperation and positive change with the power to restore lives and restore the planet.
Fins Attached Logo
The mission of Fins Attached is to conduct research, promote conservation and provide education for the protection of marine ecosystems.
Turtle Island Restoration Network – Stream2Sea
Turtle Island Restoration Network is a leading advocate for the world’s oceans and marine wildlife.
The Dolphin Communication Project’s mission is to promote the scientific study of dolphins and inspire their conservation.
Plastic Oceans – Stream2Sea
Plastic Oceans is a global non-profit organization that addresses the issue plastic pollution and how it impacts our waters, sea life and humans.
Byrne Ocean Conservation
The mission of Byrne Ocean Conservation is to improve wildlife sustainability, reduce eco-toxicity, and rebuild the benthic layer by conducting research, building awareness and improving conservation.
Girl Scout Troop 637
Blue Scholars
The mission of Blue Scholars is to engage, educate and empower students through hands-on (and virtual) marine science education to foster a connection to the ocean and to launch long-term environmental stewardship.
The mission of Waterstart is to promote environmental awareness and personal growth through hands-on educational opportunities in natural environments.
Conservation Key
Founded on the hope that with our intervention coral reefs can and will survive for the next generation.
Does your Nonprofit organization share Stream2Sea’s passion?
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Stream2Sea’s Nonprofit Partners receive a referral link and and branded banners for their website and email communications.
Nonprofit partners receive a 20% referral contribution for any revenue generated through via their referral link.
Nonprofit partner staff receives special pricing on Stream2Sea products.
Apply to be a Nonprofit Partner
Do You Have a Non-Profit Retail Store?
We offer an additional 10% donation to your organization for every wholesale purchase.
We can also offer special pricing for give-aways and events!
Stream2Sea can co-brand our Explorer or Travel Kits with a card with your logo and some information about your mission.
These kits can be customized to suit your budget.