Dive Deeper Blog

It’s time to vote with your wallet

It’s time to vote with your wallet

2020 has been a lot of things, hard and uncomfortable decisions, tragic losses and people grappling with what comes next. This Small Business Saturday, I’d like to highlight the issues facing small...

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Green-washing is Still Rampant!

It’s never been more important to be an informed consumer!  Sharks are in skincare, and consumers CANNOT trust the words on the front of a hand sanitizer or cosmetic package.  Yesterday, I...

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Ten Tips for An Eco-Conscious Fourth of July

Ten Tips for An Eco-Conscious Fourth of July

After months of quarantine, we are all ready to get back outside and spend some quality time with our friends and family. Keeping an eye out for litter is always important, but it really needs to be...

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17 Eco-Activities for an Earth Day at Home

17 Eco-Activities for an Earth Day at Home

Established in the US in 1970 and now celebrated across the globe, Earth Day reminds us why environmental conservation and stewardship are important, and encourages us to form a personal connection...

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