Dive Deeper Blog

What’s going on at Stream2Sea so far?

July 31, 2024

We’ve been pretty busy over here and wanted to take a moment to share some of the highlights with you – including our CANNES award winning REEF FEEDING sunscreen!

Best Overall in Rolling Stone Magazine – 4th Year in a Row!

For the fourth year in a row, Rolling Stone has selected Stream2Sea as its “best overall” sunscreen. They first recognized us in 2021, when the damage petrochemicals cause in aquatic ecosystems was still relatively unknown. They liked that Dr. Craig Downs – the scientist who first documented that destruction – supported our work. Four years later, we’re still the only company on the planet that has tested our sunscreen on fish and coral larva to prove that they are safe. https://www.rollingstone.com/product-recommendations/lifestyle/best-reef-safe-sunscreen-1180223/

Rolling Stone sunscreen 2024
Rolling Stone sunscreen 2024

EWG Verified™ Sunscreens in our second year

This is our second year sporting the EWG Verified™ mark, showing that our sunscreens meet the stringent requirements of the Environmental Working Group.

Always USDA BioBased Certified

We’ve also earned the USDA BioBased Certification again, which highlights our commitment to biodegradable, plant-based ingredients – and no petrochemicals. https://stream2sea.com/product-category/ewg-verified/

Won the Bronze Medal at Cannes Lions

And for the first time ever, we won a bronze medal at the prestigious Cannes Lions for a new product we created in collaboration with McCann WorldGroup. The concept was ‘could we create a product that’s not only safe for coral, but actually HELPS it?  Formulated by our team in Florida with results documented by internationally recognized scientists from Darby University, this formula was shown to boost coral’s lateral growth by over 20% and wet weight by up to 8% in some species. Not quite ready for distribution yet, but check out the award-winning video here and watch your emails for updates on distribution. https://stream2sea.com/become-a-stream2sea-partner/

Thank you for supporting Blue Star Mothers

Last, but not least, we couldn’t finish this post without a heartfelt thank you to the customers who helped us make a donation to Blue Star Mothers. In case you’re not familiar with them, Blue Star Mothers is an organization composed of women who have children serving in the military, guard, reserves, or veterans. These dedicated women ensure that their children — and all deployed troops — receive the care and support they need, no matter where they are in the world.

Troops receiving packages 7
Troops receiving packages 7

As a woman-owned, veteran-operated organization, we’re delighted to support Blue Star Mothers with Stream2Sea products they send to our troops around the world and across the country. Learn more at https://stream2sea.com/keeping-it-real/stream2sea-partners-with-blue-star-mothers-for-a-memorable-memorial-day-supporting-our-troops-overseas/

When I started Stream2Sea, I didn’t want ‘customers’ – I wanted advocates.  And I am truly grateful to have your support on our journey.  We couldn’t do any of this without YOU. 
