by Autumn Blum | Jul 24, 2020 | Featured In the News
A letter from our Founder Re: FDA recall of contaminated sanitizer Dear Friends of Stream2Sea: The FDA has issued a mandatory recall of substandard and dangerous hand sanitizers. I wanted to reassure you that our products are NOT subject to this recall. When COVID... by Autumn Blum | Apr 21, 2020 | Keeping It Real, Protect What You Love
At a time when the entire world is focused on beating a deadly pandemic, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell added an oddly placed sunscreen provision to the “Families First” Coronavirus Response Act. Buried on page 404 in the 880-page legislation, is a... by Autumn Blum | Apr 17, 2020 | Featured, Keeping It Real
Like most small businesses today, we are concerned about our future. Before coronavirus, we were well-stocked and prepared for a busy travel and safe sunscreen season. Then BAM…the world is suddenly very different. As we looked for ways to stay productive, I had the... by Autumn Blum | Mar 25, 2020 | Hand Sanitizer, Protect What You Love
Two weeks ago, I was looking at a ton of canceled orders from the cruise lines and my growing stock of inventory to fulfill the anticipated demand. It was pretty scary watching our projections go right out the window, and wondering how I was going to cover payroll and... by Autumn Blum | Mar 10, 2020 | Featured, Protect What You Love
Cruiselines around the world are working hard to improve their eco-footprint, but MSC has taken this initiative to the extreme with their newest Ocean Cay Marine Reserve private island! Stream2Sea is ecstatic to partner with the largest cruise line and private island... by Autumn Blum | Feb 20, 2020 | Keeping It Real
Dear Governor DeSantis, It’s a pretty basic expectation: Sunscreen ingredients should be generally recognized as safe and effective by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Ironically, you’re now being asked to sign legislation that would make it illegal for local... by Autumn Blum | Feb 20, 2020 | Featured
I was asked to give a talk yesterday to my local Rotary Club. This was different from the talks I’ve been giving… this one was about community support and gratitude, and touched my heart. I’d like to share a little of it with you. I moved to Hardee County, a rural... by Autumn Blum | Jan 8, 2020 | Mask Defog, Product Spotlight
Some divers are blessed – they carry around the most eco-friendly defog possible – their own spit! But, with everyone rinsing their spit-filled masks in the communal rinse bucket, this does sort of creep me out. Also, my spit is defective. It doesn’t matter how much... by Autumn Blum | May 27, 2019 | Ingredients Safety, Keeping It Real
As summer gets underway, it is important to share the reminder that “oxybenzone free” does not equal “reef safe”. This is important for your safety, and for the safety of coral reefs and other marine ecosystems you will encounter throughout the summer. Autumn Blum... by Autumn Blum | Feb 23, 2019 | Keeping It Real
Stream2Sea offers the only product line that has been tested and proven safe for freshwater fish, saltwater fish, C. elegans and coral larvae. Part of our business model is total transparency with our followers. In that light, we felt it was important to share more... by Autumn Blum | Sep 27, 2018 | Biodegradability, Product Spotlight, Shampoo & Bodywash
I was so proud of my first formula for Stream2Sea—a biodegradable shampoo with all natural, Whole Foods and EcoCert compliant ingredients.I’d thoroughly checked the safety information, carefully avoiding the known toxicants like sodium laureth sulfate and silicones,... by Autumn Blum | May 15, 2018 | Keeping It Real
Our “Ingredients to Avoid” list is one of the most visited pages on our website. We’ve tried very hard to make this page easy to understand and even created a free card with the biggest “no-no” ingredients still commonly found in sunscreens labeled as “reef-friendly”...