by 01cleanup | Oct 13, 2022 | Ingredients Safety, Protect What You Love, Shark-Free Squalane
October 14 is International Squalane Day! In honor of the holiday, we decided to take a deeper dive as to why this illustrious ingredient should be a regular part of your skincare routine. If you look in your medicine cabinet, chances are that you will...
by 01cleanup | Apr 5, 2022 | Keeping It Real
While there are many mineral sunscreens that offer UVA/UVB protection, very few go deeper to address and counteract the long-term damaging effects caused by free radicals and overexposure to the sun. Sunburns are caused by a complex chemical reaction that creates free...
by 01cleanup | Feb 16, 2022 | Keeping It Real
Remember that really nasty sunburn you got as a kid? You turned red as a beet, then everything peeled off in really disgusting layers. Believe it or not, that awful experience probably wasn’t the worst damage the sunburn caused to your body. Scientists still don’t...
by 01cleanup | Dec 8, 2021 | Hand Sanitizer, Product Spotlight
Non-FDA Regulated & Non-OTC Compliant Manufacturers of Hand Sanitizers Remember back in March 2020 (the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic) when supply and demand impacted the availability of hand sanitizers? Rampant stockpiling increased the demand for hand...
by 01cleanup | Sep 21, 2021 | Keeping It Real
Sunscreen is probably on your list as you plan your fall excursions – and hopefully you’re looking for a product that is “reef safe.” (If not, check out the report from the International Coral Reef Initiative.) But just because the front of the bottle might...
by 01cleanup | Jun 11, 2021 | Protect What You Love
Ahhhh, remember the ‘80s? I remember sitting by my giant stereo, in my neon pink windbreaker with velvet scrunchies in my hair, waiting for my favorite songs to come on the radio so I could record them on tape at the exact right time. I had to make a mix tape for my...
by 01cleanup | Dec 6, 2020 | Featured, Just For Fun, Product Spotlight
Holiday Gift Guide Now, more than ever, we need to protect what we love, and protect who we love! Looking for the perfect gift? Show the love in your own special way while protecting our blue planet with our gift ideas this holiday season! REEF SAFE SUN CARE Our...
by 01cleanup | Nov 18, 2020 | Keeping It Real
2020 has been a lot of things, hard and uncomfortable decisions, tragic losses and people grappling with what comes next. This Small Business Saturday, I’d like to highlight the issues facing small business about what this means to the decision makers, the customers,... by 01cleanup | Jul 23, 2020 | Featured In the News, Keeping It Real
Mineral-based sunscreen is not a joke. It got a lot of laughs when Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg over-applied that heavy-duty zinc oxide, but we still think it’s pretty cool. Even through the smiles, people pointed out that minerals like titanium dioxide and zinc...
by 01cleanup | Jul 6, 2020 | Keeping It Real
At Stream2sea, we pride ourselves on having ‘kept it real’ in regards to the testing of our original line of body care products on fish and coral. Read more: Now, Stream2Sea is proud to...
by 01cleanup | Jun 22, 2020 | Protect What You Love
After months of quarantine, we are all ready to get back outside and spend some quality time with our friends and family. Keeping an eye out for litter is always important, but it really needs to be front of mind during this Fourth of July, a holiday overwhelmingly...
by 01cleanup | May 1, 2020 | Keeping It Real, Protect What You Love
Stream2Sea Founder Autumn Blum joins Sierra Club and 1000 Friends of Florida in asking Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis to veto legislation that would block Key West and other Florida cities from banning sunscreen ingredients that are toxic to coral reefs. The...