Ecoconscious Camping: Get Away and Leave No Trace

Ecoconscious Camping: Get Away and Leave No Trace

Summer is right around the corner and do you know what that means? It’s the perfect time to get out of town and spend a few nights under the stars! Spring and summer are the busiest seasons for camping. As you’re planning your next trip, keep these ecoconscious tips...
Key West Bans Octinoxate and Oxybenzone

Key West Bans Octinoxate and Oxybenzone

The City of Key West met in January to discuss a ban on the use of sunscreens that contain the chemicals Oxybenzone and Octinoxate, two commonly used ingredients known to be lethal to coral larva. This important vote inspired me to write in support of the ban. While...
Spark Joy! Keep Ocean-Friendly Products

Spark Joy! Keep Ocean-Friendly Products

Have you seen the latest Netflix craze about decluttering your house to create more room for peace in your life? In the show called “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo,” well-known author, Marie Kondo shows families how to use her decluttering method to tidy up and downsize...